
Friday, June 15, 2012

Five Question Friday 6/15/12

(Special thanks to Melissa (@Melissa_M80), Tricia (@mamamarchand) from Mama Marchand's Nest, Pam (@trooppetrie) from Troop Petrie, Lindsey (@bloggerlinds) from A Dollop of My Life, and Tonya (@Tonyamaries) from The Heart Desires for their question suggestions!
The last question was from me!!!  That is so cool! Thank you Mama M!

This week’s questions & My Answers:

1. Would you grow your hair out to donate it?
I would if I could.  As someone who has Alopecia and wears a wig 24/7 I think it is an awesome gift for someone to give.

2. What song makes you think of summer?

Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves!  I can hear it anytime and it makes me smile and think of summer!

3. Are you a flip flops or sandals kind of person?
Flip flops if they don't make the flip flop sound.  Otherwise sandals.

4. Favorite summer treat (ie ice cream, snow cones, etc)?
Does Maragrita count?  If not, a mint oreo blizzard from DQ.

5. Do you do something special for the father of your children?
I usually make a card for my husband and that's about it.  When my son was younger, he and I made dinner and we worked on crafty gifts.  But now that my son is in his 20's I usually just tag along out to dinner.  It's kind sad cause those were some fun times.

Head on over to FQF and join in the fun!

Thanks for taking a look!


  1. Stopping by from 5QF . . .

    My son will be 21 this fall, and I often think that there were more fun times back when he was younger. I have hopes that there will be fun again, when he fully decides who he is going to be (and that his parents aren't so bad!).

    Oh, and we no longer have a DQ nearby, or a chocolate dipped cone would've been high on my list.

  2. Visiting from 5QF...

    I had a dear friend in college who had alopecia and inspired me to donate my hair. I'm currently growing it out for the 6th time and each donation has been special.

    I love DQ blizzards! Cookie dough is my favorite though. Now I really want a blizzard!
